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Acoustic-to-Seismic Coupling Page

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Picatinny Arsenal, Ground Shock Effects from Accidental Explosions: ground_explosive_shock.pdf
U.S. Army, Evaluation of Ground Vibrations Induced by Military Noise Sources: ERDC-TR-06-5.pdf
Sonic and Vibration Environments for Ground Facilities - A Design Manual, Prepared for NASA by Wyle Laboratories: sonic_ground.pdf
Atmospheric Sound Propagation from a Monopole Source via Direct, Reflected, and Surface Waves: direct_reflected.pdf

Acoustic to Seismic Coupling: acoustic_seismic_coupling.pdf

Daigle & Embleton, Air-Ground Interface: Surface Waves, Surface Impedance, and Acoustic-to-Seismic Coupling Coefficient: air_ground_interface.pdf
R. Greenfield & M. Moran, Seismic Acoustic Ratio Estimates Using a Moving Vehicle Source: SAR_moving.pdf
Matlab Scripts
Adjustment of SPL for ambient temperature and pressure: SPL_change_ambient.m
Atmospheric Absorption: atmosphere_absorption.m
Spherical propagation from a point source through the atmosphere with both direct and ground reflected waves:
McLaughlin, et al, Infrasound Detection of Rocket Launches: rocket_infrasound.pdf
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