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TutorialsPower Spectral Density
Calculation via Matlab: psd_mat.pdf
Classic Pulse Base Input Shock Analysis |
Matlab Scripts |
Response of a
Single-degree-of-freedom System Subjected to a Half-sine Base Excitation
Response of a
Single-degree-of-freedom System Subjected to a Versed-sine Base
SDOF response to a terminal sawtooth base input. |
SDOF response to a wavelet base input. |
sdof wavelet.m |
SDOF response to combined sinusoidal force and base excitation. |
SDOF response to unit step force | |
TWO-DOF response to applied force excitation. | gencoord.pdf |
TWO-DOF response to a wavelet base input. |
twodof wavelet.mtwodof_wavelet.pdf |
Additional Shock Analysis | Matlab Scripts |
SRS Matlab Script (Kelly-Richman & Smallwood) |
Supporting functions: srs_coefficients.m enter_time_history.m find_max.m fix_size.m srs_intr.pdf DS_SRS1.pdf |
SRS via convolution | srs_conv.m |
Time history response of a single-degree-of-freedom system to an arbitrary acceleration base input via a digitial recursive filtering relationship. |
arbit.m Supporting function: srs_coefficients_avd.m plot_peak_histogram.m plot_TH.m plot_histogram.m enter_time_history.m |
Tripartite Shock Response Spectra Plot | |
script demonstrates how an SRS can be calculated from a time history
using an FFT as an intermediate step. |
srs_from_fft.m Supporting functions: sdof_base_accel_transfer.m enter_time_history.m full_FFT_core.m fix_size.m |
Mean filter method for removing saturation with optimization. |
Supporting functions enter_time_history.m mr_SRS.m |
SRS plotting function | SRS_plot.m |
Interpolate an SRS function. | interp_SRS.m |
Shock pulse effective duration per MIL-STD-810F |
shock_effective_duration.m progressbar.m |
Waveform reconstruction via wavelets. |
waveform_reconstruct.m wgen.m wavelet_reconstruction.pdf |
Scale a wavelet table to match an SRS specification. |
wavelet_scale_SRS.m wqsrs.m werror.m |
Time history from a wavelet table. | th_from_wavelet_table.m |
SRS amplitude conversion utility | srs_rel_disp.m |
Fouier Transforms |
Matlab Scripts |
Fourier transform |
fourier.mSupporting functions:find_max.m
Inverse Fourier transform |
invfourier.m |
One-sided, Full-amplitude FFT |
full_FFT.mSupporting function:full_FFT_core.mfix_size.mfind_max.m enter_time_history.m
Waterfall FFT |
Zoom FFT of a time series. |
Interpolation of a time history via its Fourier transform |
interp_fourier.m |
Signal Processing | Matlab Scripts |
Time History, PSD, SRS & SPL Statistics & Plotting |
Supporting functions: differentiate_function.m plot_histogram.m coordinates_ss.m coordinates_ss_scale.m octaves.m PSD_octave.m plot_peak_histogram.m signal_stats_TH.m signal_stats_SRS.m signal_stats_SPL.m signal_stats_PSD.m |
Multi-function signal processing script for time histories |
signal_function_extract.m signal_function_stats.m |
Integrate time history via the trapezoidal rule. | |
This script corrects an acceleration signal so that its corresponding velocity and displacement time histories are stable and oscillate about the zero baseline | disp_correction.m enter_time_history.m velox_correction_d.m Butterworth_filter_function.m differentiate_function.m integrate_function.m half_cosine_fade.m cubic_spline_function.m fix_size.m |
Differentiate a time history. | differ.m |
Calculate the standard deviation time history from an instantaneous time history | std_dev_th.m |
Determine the natural frequency and damping of a transient waveform using time history synthesis |
sinefdam.m sf_engine.m |
Determine the natural frequency of a sinusoidal waveform using time history synthesis |
sinefind.m sfa_engine.m |
Extract Time History Segment | extract.m |
Track frequency and amplitude for a sine sweep | sine_sweep_spectral.m |
Find phase angle between two signals for sine sweep excitation | sine_sweep_spectral_phase.m |
of two signals. The Matlab Signal toolbox is not required. |
of two signals. The Matlab Signal toolbox is not required. |
Aliasing frequency calculator | aliasing.m |
Remove pure tone noise from a
signal. Can be used to remove 60 Hz and harmonic noise.
This method uses a time domain method curve-fitting method. It is precise but may take a "long" computational time. |
remove_noise_frequency.m sfa_engine_60.m |
Cubic spline |
cubic_spline.m |
Relative displacement between two displacement time histories | relative_displacement.m |
Signal Generation |
Matlab Scripts |
Generation of time
2=cosine 3=damped sine 4=sine sweep 5=white noise 6=terminal sawtooth pulse 7=half-sine pulse 8=versed sine pulse 9=wavelet |
Generate a white noise time history where the user specifies the standard deviation and kurtosis. The skewness is approximately zero. |
a white noise time history where the user specifies the standard
deviation, skewness and kurtosis.
functions: plot_histogram.m
Generate a time history with kurtosis > 3. The corresponding histogram has a shape similar to a witch hat. |
witch.m |
Filtering |
Matlab Scripts |
Butterworth Sixth Order Filter, Transfer Function |
BH.m |
Bessel Filter, Transfer Function |
Bessel_H.m |
Butterworth Sixth Order Filter |
Butterworth_filter.mSupporting functions:enter_time_history.m filter_coefficients.mapply_filter.m |
Bessel Filter via Fourier transform |
fourier_filter_Bessel.mBessel_Transfer.m |
Butterworth Sixth Order Filter via Fourier transform |
fourier_filter.mButterworth_Transfer.m |
Mean filter of a time history |
mean_filter.m |
Sine Vibration |
Matlab Scripts |
Sine Vibration Response Spectrum (VRS) |
sine_vrs.m |
Time history response of an SDOF system to a sinusoidal base input | sine_base.m |
Structural Dynamics: Beams & Rods |
Matlab Scripts |
Natural Frequencies and
Mode Shapes of a Beam
via the Finite Element
Method, with two degrees-of-freedom per node.
Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of a Beam via the Finite Element Method with six degrees-of-freedom per node. The beam elements may be in a three-dimensional frame.
Functions: User Guide |
Normal modes & base excitation of a Cantilever Beam |
cantilever_beam.m |
Normal modes & base excitation of a Fixed-Free Rod |
fixed_free_rod.m |
Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of a Rocket Vehicle. The user must input a mass density file and an stiffness file. The stiffness file must be in terms of EI.A future version of this program will allow for joint compliance and a branch for a payload. |
Structural Dynamics: Plates |
Matlab Scripts |
Natural Frequencies of a Circular Plate, Simply-supported, Bessel Function Solution | circular_SS.m |
Natural Frequencies of a Circular Plate | |
The Fundamental Frequency of an Isolated Circular Plate |
circular_elastic.m |
Natural Frequencies of a Annular Plate | annular_plate.m |
The Fundamental Frequency of an Isolated Annular Plate |
annular_elastic.m |
The Natural Frequency of a Rectangular Plate Point-Supported at Each Corner |
plate_corners.mpfunction.m |
Structural Dynamics, Other | Matlab Scripts |
Free vibration of a single-degree-of-freedom system, exact method. |
free.m free.pdf |
Free vibration of a multi-degree-of-freedom system, exact method. | mdof_free.m Generalized_Eigen.m plot_legend.m line_colors.m |
Natural frequenices, mode shapes, participation factors and effective modal mass values of a two-degree-of-freedom system. | two_dof.m |
Natural frequenices and mode shapes of a three-degree-of-freedom system. | three_dof.m |
Natural frequenices and mode shapes of a multiple-degree-of-freedom system. | |
Natural frequenices and mode shapes of a multiple-degree-of-freedom system, reduced to a subset of dof per the user's input. | |
Mass Condensation (Guyan Reduction) | |
Craig-Bampton Method | mdof_CB.m |
The Steady-State Frequency Response Function of a Multi-degree-of-freedom System Subjected to Harmonic Base Excitation | two_dof_frf.m |
The Steady-State Frequency Response Function of a Single-degree-of-freedom System Subjected to Harmonic Force Excitation | sdof_force_frf.m |
The Steady-State Frequency Response Function of a Multi-degree-of-freedom System Subjected to Harmonic Force Excitation |
two_dof_force_frf.mtwo_dof_force_frf_alt.m |
Natural Frequency of a Single-degree-of-freedom System ( GUI ) |
SDOF_freq.m SDOF_freq.fig |
Vibration Analysis of an Isolated Mass with Six-degrees-of-freedom | six_dof_iso.m |
Multi-degree-of-freedom system subjected to applied force, modal transient analysis |
Multi-degree-of-freedom system subjected to applied force, modal transient analysis, reduced system | |
Matlab script for reduced system subjected to applied force, modal transient analysis, mass condensation | mdof_masscon_arb_force.m |
Assembly of mass and stiffness matrices with transformation matrix | |
Natural Frequencies of Spring Mass Systems in Series | spring_mass_series.m Generalized_Eigen.m |
Torsional natural frequencies of a rod or shaft | rod_torsional_fn.m |
Three-dimensional coordinate transformation | coordinate_transformation_3D.m |
Roots of characteristic equations for structural dynamics | vibration_roots.m |
See also: Matlab acoustics PageMatlab linear algebra PageMatlab_modal_transient_PageMatlab_Newmark_Page
Material Science |
Matlab Scripts |
Stress Corrosion Cracking: stress required to propagate a partial through-the-thickness crack-like discontinuity |
stress_intensity.m |
Animation | Matlab Scripts |
Animation of a single-degree-of-freedom system (spring mass system) subjected to sinusoidal base excitation with time history display. |
SDOF_base_animation.m |
Animation of a single-degree-of-freedom system (spring mass system) subjected to sinusoidal base excitation. (old) |
SDOF_sine.m |
Animation of seven SDOF systems subjected to common sinusoidal base excitation. | SDOF_sine7.m |
Plot Digitization |
Matlab Scripts |
Digitize SRS and PSD plots from image files, such as .jpg files. |
loglog_digitize.m |
Digitize log-linear plot. |
loglin_digitize.m |
Digitize SPL plot |
digitize_SPL.m |
Another digitization program. |
digitize_plot.m |
Additional Plot Utilities |
Matlab Scripts |
Surface Scatter Plot from matrix with three columns of data |
surface_scatter_plot.m |
Plot a large time history by taking only the max and min within successive intervals. |
small_plot.m |
Plot EasyPlot *.sav files in Matlab |
EasyPlot_translator.m |
Utilities | Matlab Scripts |
ASTM E 1049-85 (2005) Rainflow Counting Method | rainflow.m |
This progam sets up a coordinate table interactively for a PSD or SRS. | coordinates.m |
Convert Matlab data to ASCII
These programs use syntax similar to C/C++. |
data_convert.m data_convert_21.m |
Convert time in seconds to hours, min, sec format. | hrminsec.m |
Multi-format data input utility. | data_input.m |
Remove header lines from an external ASCII input file. | header.m |
UCI data conversion. Generates a series of two-columns files (time & amplitude) from a UCI input file. The first column is time(sec). The additional columns are amplitude. |
uci.m |
Principal moment of interia from a rotational inertia matrix. | principal_moi.m |
Add dB values for SPLs & PSDs. | add_dB.m |
Calculate the arc length of a
half-sine wave.
These scripts demonstrate the use of the quad function with variable coefficients. |
arclength_sine.m arc_function.m |
Calculate the roots of a cubic polynomial. | cubic_poly_roots.m |
Interpolation |
Matlab Scripts |
Interpolate or extrapolate given two reference coordinates. Linear, Semilog and log options are included. |
interpolate_coordinates.m |
Logarithmic interpolation of a function. |
intlog.m |
Interpolate log-linear function. |
int_semilog.m |
Math & Geometry |
Matlab Scripts |
Calculate pi using a
series expansion of
pi_nr.m |
Calculate pi by determining the arclength of a quarter circle. |
pi_arclength.mprogressbar.m |
Calculate pi by determining the area of a quarter circle. Simple grid point integration is used. |
pi_gpi.mprogressbar.m |
Calculate the area of a quadrilateral which may be irregular from its coordinates | quadrilateral_area.m |
Calculate the area of a triangle from its coordinates. | triangle_area.m |
Statistics |
Matlab Scripts |
Normal tolerance intervals, upper limits |
k_factor.m |
Integrate the noncentral t-distribution |
noncentral_t_distribution.m |
Integrate the noncentral t-distribution, table format |
noncentral_t_distribution_table.m |
Integrate the student t-distribution. |
t_distribution.m |
Integrate the chi-square curve. |
Integrate the normal distribution curve. |
integrate_normal_distribution.m |
Finance |
Matlab Scripts |
Loan calculation script for principal and interest |
loan.m |
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