
 Sound Pressure  Level  (dB)

 Large Rocket (nearby)
 180 to 194
 Jet Aircraft, Artillery Fire
 Shotgun Blast
 Propeller Aircraft
 Pneumatic Riveter, Jackhammer,  Pain Threshold
 Rock Concert, Thunder,  Automobile Horn
 Construction Noise
 Subway Train
 Heavy Truck, Niagra Falls
 Noisy Office, Noisy Restaurant
 Busy Traffic, Normal Radio
 Normal Conversation,  Dishwasher
 Quiet Office
 Soft Whisper
 Rustling Leaves
 Normal Breathing

 Let P be the measured rms pressure level. The sound pressure level (SPL) in decibels (dB) is:
 The speed of sound in air is 1125 feet/sec (343 meters/sec)
 assuming a temperature of 70 degrees F (21 degrees C) and
 a pressure of 1 atmosphere.

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