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TUTORIALS - Applied ForceAn Introduction to
Frequency Response Functions: frf.pdf
TUTORIALS - Base ExcitationThe Impulse Response Function for Base Excitation: impulse_response_function_base.pdfThe Steady-State FrequencyResponse Function of a Multi-degree-of-freedom System Subjected to Harmonic Base Excitation: mdof_FRF_base.pdfEffective Modal Mass & Modal Participation Factors: ModalMass.pdf |
Bruel & Kjaer BookletsStructural Testing 1: Mobility MeasurementStructural Testing 2: Modal Testing |
Matlab | Script |
frequency & impulse response functions from an input force and
response amplitude time history. |
frf_from_th.m Supporting Functions: fix_size.m progressbar.m frf_median_filter.m |
Transfer Function from Modes |
transfer_from_modes.mSupporting Functions:fix_size.m Generalized_Eigen.mtransfer_core.mfind_max.m transfer_from_modes_plots.m transfer_from_modes_H_files.m enter_modal_damping.m progressbar.m |
Power Transmissibility Function from Modes |
powertrans_from_modes.mSupporting Functions:transfer_core.m enter_modal_damping.m Generalized_Eigen.m |
This program calculates a transfer function for two selected degrees-of-freedom in a system based on the mode shapes, natural frequencies, and damping ratios. It also calculates the applied force for a single given displacement, velocity, or acceleration. | transfer_find_force.m |
This program calculates a
response time history from an input time history and a transfer function where the transfer function is a complex Fourier transform. |
blast.m Supporting Functions: progressbar.m enter_time_history.m enter_H_complex.m inverse_fourier_transform.m linear_interpolation.m |
The Steady-State Frequency Response Function of a Single-degree-of-freedom System Subjected to Base Excitation |
sdof_base_frf.m find_max.m |
The Steady-State Frequency Response Function of a Single-degree-of-freedom System Subjected to Harmonic Force Excitation |
sdof_force_frf.m find_max.m |
functions for an applied force from natural frequencies, modal damping
and normalized eigenvectors
transfer_modes.exetransfer_function.exe |
transfer_modes.cpptransfer_function.cpp |
Transfer functions for an applied force from natural frequencies, modal damping and normalized eigenvectors with option for omitting rigid-body modes | transfer_function_rb.exe | transfer_function_rb.cpp |
displacement transfer function for an applied force